Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Part of our operation of this website involves the collection and use of information about you. This privacy policy explains what type of information we collect and what we do with that information to allow you to make choices about the way your information is collected and used. This privacy policy may change from time to time, so please check it often.


When you visit our site, we collect certain technical and routing information about your computer. For example, we log variables such as browser type, operating system and CPU speed, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your originating Internet Service Provider, to bring you the best possible service. We also record search requests and results to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of our search engine. We use your IP address to track your use of the site, including pages visited and the time spent on each page. We collect this information and use it to measure the use of this website and to improve its content and performance. All of the information that is automatically submitted to us by your browser is considered anonymous information. We intentionally limit the information we ask you to supply to what is absolutely necessary to provide the service you request. Unless otherwise stated, we don’t share any supplied information with any other person or organization other than as required and as authorized by you. 


This site uses cookies. “Cookies” are small data files that assign you a unique identifier that enables your computer to have a "dialog" with our site to provide you a more consistent user experience. We don't store personally identifying or other sensitive information in cookies. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive cookies or to prevent cookies from being sent; if you do so, however, this may limit the functionality we can provide you when you visit our site. 

If you’re using a public computer, be sure to delete all cookies before closing the Browser. Third parties that link to this site may use cookies or collect other information when you go to their website. We do not control the collection or use of your information by these companies. You should contact them directly if you have any questions about their collection or use of information about you.


Personal information requested in forms on this site is limited to what is required to provide you with the information and services you request. Please don’t provide additional personal information in these forms that is not requested. If you are uncomfortable with submitting any requested information, please call or write to us directly using the address and phone numbers on this site. We don’t supply any of the information you provide to any other individual or organization unless you check a box in the submission form specifically authorizing us to do so.


This Website uses the secure “HTTPS” protocol for all pages and content. This makes it very difficult for anyone who may tap into Internet traffic to read what you submit and what is being sent back to you. If you feel that the possibility of someone intercepting information you submit or knowledge of the pages you access presents a significant risk to you, please don’t use this Website.


We don’t store passwords you use to log in as plain text. Instead, they are encrypted before being stored in our systems. When you enter that password again to log in, we encrypt it and match it to the encrypted password that has been stored. There is no way to decrypt the stored passwords, but it may be possible for others to guess simple passwords. You should always use more complex passwords that don’t include words or names people would associate with you. You should also avoid using the same password for everything you log into and should not make those passwords easily accessible to anyone else.


Users who have signed up with us in the past and no longer wish to receive newsletters may opt-out of receiving future communications by using the "Unsubscribe" feature in the newsletter.


We operate secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems.  We periodically review and enhance our network systems as necessary, and only authorized individuals have access to the personally identifiable information provided by our users.  We do not, however, guarantee that unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure will never occur.


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